1) Tone of Minnesota
There are the woods, where incident has treaded-
This is Minnesota, here where on earth the winds speak and
Deceptions (Laws of the Blood, Book 4)
Reasoning and Choice: Explorations in Political Psychology (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
Policies and Research in Identity Management: Second IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference, IDMAN 2010, Oslo, Norway, November 18-19, 2010, Proceedings ... in Information and Communication Technology)
Archival Information (How to Find It, How to Use It)
The Complete Personalized Promise Bible on Health and Healing: Every Promise in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, Personalized and Written As a Prayer Just for You
LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms II, LH III C Middle: Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at ... der Phil.-Hist. Klasse) (German Edition)
To Weave a Web of Magic: Four Stories of Fantasy and Exquisite Romance
Traffic Calming: State of the Practice (Publication (Institute of Transportation Engineers), Ir-098.)
The Future of Coal
Sex, Drugs, Einstein & Elves: Sushi, Psychedelics, Parallel Universes and the Quest for Transcendence
Handbook of Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Like an Everlasting Signet Ring: Generosity in the Book of Sirach (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies)
Purchasing Power Parities And Real Expenditures 2002: Benchmark Year
The Origins of Agriculture: An International Perspective
Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit (A Novel of King Arthur) (Arthurian Novel)
Rise on the ancient rivers; where on earth the new woods
Nurtures the time of year leaves and winter condition...
The environment of lots lakes where on earth the skies shout,
Libricide: The Regime-Sponsored Destruction of Books and Libraries in the Twentieth Century
Enriched Care Planning for People with Dementia: A Good Practice Guide for Delivering Person-Centered Care (Bradford Dementia Group Good Practice Guides)
The manipulated man
CASTI Guide to Asme B31.3 - Process Piping (The Practical Guide Book Series)
Microfinance India: State of the Sector Report 2009
The Postal Age: The Emergence of Modern Communications in Nineteenth-Century America
Office 2010 Handbuch: Word - Exel - Outlook
The Law and Practice of International Territorial Administration: Versailles to Iraq and Beyond (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
Back to 'Things in Themselves': A Phenomenological Foundation for Classical Realism (Studies in Phenomenological and Classical Realism)
The Art of Conversation Through Serious Illness: Lessons for Caregivers
Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript
Public Health in Papua New Guinea: Medical Possibility and Social Constraint, 1884-1984 (Cambridge Studies in the History of Medicine)
Participation for All: A Guide to Legislative Debate
Development Policy of a Communist Government: West Bengal since 1977 (Cambridge South Asian Studies)
Sartre and His Predecessors: The Self and the Other
Yell the greatness of the passing years:
Reflect the untested of the wood's manic illusion.
The pioneers, the seeds that brought time here...;
...here, is wherever the ruminant and elk have fed,
Where immense log cabins, were raise by men.
Where nearby were umpteen tribes of conclusion Indians.
Here came the journal of an unhatched stipulate...
Whose peoples fought for destinies and dreams?
Who ready-made their fate; the Minnesotans,
Their individuality now reckoned, great!...
#935 12/1/05
2) The Old Heath
(Minnesota Winter)
Winter seems to me more nostalgic
Now that I'm ageing with gray;
But I always likeable the fire
Of a heath (a warming fireplace).
Flames that flicker, doors that groan
Windows that rattle,
And warm: warmed old bones,
Of a Heath (a thaw out niche).
I same the glow of the heath
The spell, upon the room,
I e'er give the impression of being to soar a little
By the recess of the legroom.
Winter seems to me much nostalgic
Flames that flicker, doors that groan
I same the glint of the heath
Now that I'm burgeoning old!...
#938 12/2/05
3) Comin' O' Winter
(In Minnesota)
Lord! It's solid to touch the comin ' o' winter
Not Spring!
To imagery the furrows of precipitation drifting
Around my cold, refrigerated feet!
See the winter's jarring plant scientist initiate to
Grow, grow, push...
Hear the flicker of the geese heading
Down south!...
Boy! It's grave to quality the comin' of
Winter... not Spring!
(Because I won't be here! I'll be
Down south, where on earth it's warm!!)
#936 12/1/05
4) Th' Ol Mississippi
(A Minnesota Poem)
That's th' ol Mississippi River-
Ripplin', dimplin' fuzz Minnesota.
Down south she's kindhearted of muddy,
But up here she's close to a Queen!
Wanting to romp a sullen scene!
Peaceful now she looks; boilin'
She can be...
And that's why I in performance in St. Paul
Where she's sunken and her wit
Is a bit slender-waisted...!
But she's clever and she fool' us
Now and then...up in the region of the
-ol' Minnesota decompression sickness.
#837 12/1/2005
In Spanish
Translated by Nancy Penaloza
Poemas De invierno
- de Minnesota
1) Colorido de Minnesota
Hay bosques, donde el tiempo tiene pisadas-
Esto es Minnesota, aquí donde los vientos hablan y
Nacen sobre los ríos antiguos; donde los bosques vírgenes
Nutren las hojas de otoño y raíces de invierno...
La tierra de muchos city donde el grito de los cielos,
Gritan la grandeza de los años que pasan:
Reflejando el verdor del paraíso salvaje de madera.
Los pioneros, las semillas que trajeron la vida aquí...;
...Aquí, es donde el ciervo y el alce tienen alimento,
Donde enormes cabañas de tronco, fueron construidos por hombres.
Donde había muchas tribus de indios dirigentes.
De aquí vinieron las memorias de un estado no nacido...
¿Que pueblos lucharon por destinos y sueños?
¡Quien hizo el destino; del Minnesotano,
Su carácter ahora bien considerado!...,
*935 12/1/05
... 2) El Viejo Brezal
(Invierno de Minnesota)
El invierno me parece más nostálgico
Ahora que envejezco con el colour gris;
Pero siempre me gustaba el fuego
De un brezal (una chimenea caliente).
Las llamas que parpadean, puertas que gimen
Ventanas que repiquetean,
Y calientes: calientes huesos viejos,
De un Brezal (una chimenea caliente).
Me gusta el destello del brezal
El pronunciamiento, sobre el cuarto,
Siempre parezco ir un poco a la deriva
Por la chimenea del cuarto.
¡El invierno me parece más nostálgico
Llamas que parpadean, puertas que gimen
Me gusta el destello del brezal
Ahora que envejezco!...
*938 12/2/05
3) La llegada del invierno
(En Minnesota)
¡Señor! ¡Está bien sentir la llegada del invierno
No la Primavera!
¡La visión de los surcos de nieve amontonados
Por mis fríos, fríos pies!
¡Mirar las orillas ásperas del invierno comenzar a
Crecer, crecer, crecer...
Oír el aleteo de los pájaros dirigiéndose
Abajo al sur!...
¡Muchacho! ¡Es agradable sentir la llegada del
Invierno... no la Primavera!
(¡Por que no estaré aquí! ¡Estaré
Abajo en el sur, dónde es caliente!)
*936 12/1/05
4) El viejo Mississippi
(Un Poema de Minnesota)
Este es el viejo Río Mississippi -
"Ondulando, turbio" bajo Minnesota.
¡Sur abajo ella es algo fangosa,
Pero aquí arriba ella parece una Reina!
¡Deseando jugar una escena caprichosa!
Ahora pacíficamente bella; "hirviendo"
Ella puede estar...
¡Y es por eso que vivo en Saint Paul
Dónde ella es clara y su ingenio
Es poco difícil...!
Pero ella es sabia y ella nos engaña
Ahora y entonces...arriba alrededor del
-viejo Minnesota encurvado.
*837 12/1/2005